and once again back on Fehmarn Island back at Staberhuk lighthouse… The show must go on… The lighthouse reference is FED-226 on Fehmarn Island EU-128. At this time we had 3 stations in parallel. One was really on top, the second was in the middle of the Tower and the third in the entrance floor of the lighthouse. We set up different GP and wire antennas and even a DLP-11 log periodic from Titanex.
Operators: Mathias DJ2HD, Wolfgang DH3WO, Falk DG0UFA and Jan DL7JAN
See you soon…
DJ2BQ Ewald preparing the computer…
YL Susi on the 3th station close to the top of the lighhouse…
hello…. echo… Jan DL7JAN sitting on the first station in the entrance floor…
DH3WO Wolfgang joining the pileup on the second station in the middle of the tower…
our setup.. with an SGC Smart power Cupe…
Jan is doing great… CW runs well…
one of our Kelemen dipols…
the DLP-11 Logperiodic antenna
camp side…
DJ2HD Mathias runs the pilup… quite warm on the upper level…
DG0UFA Falk is looking for other LH stations..
the Fehmarnsund bridge…
rocky coast line..
the entrance gate to the lighhouse
the team from left to right… YL Susi, DG0UFA Falk, DO5SM Ewald, DH3WO Wolfgang, DJ2HD Mathias and DL7JAN Jan