VK9XU Christmas Island

VK9XU Christmas Island

Upcoming DXPedition to Christmas Island. The first part of the operation take place from Feb. 18th to March 4th. The 2nd part of the DXPedition take place from Cocos Keeling Isl. from March 4th to March 11th.

The are planning to operate with 3 Stations 24/7.

The team will be a international one. DF4GV Elmar; DJ9RR Heye; DL2AMD Rainer; VK6SJ Steve VK6CQ Alan and DL2AWG Guenter (Team leader)                                                                                                                     
Bands: 160m to 6m. No 60m allowed

Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8/4 ( F/H mode, or Super Fox)

More details LINK