V7-Marshall Islands OC-029

V7-Marshall Islands OC-029

Hello to all DXer,

A well experienced group of young enthusiasts are in the process of packing and doing some last plannings for a great DXPedition to the Marshall Islands OC-029. After a great and successful DXPedition to Guyana as 8R7X, we can expect a new outstanding event. This DXPedition takes place due to a very high ranking in Clublog. Finally, you as a DXer will get the chance to increase your bandpoints quickly.

Clublog Most WantedGlobalEUAFASOCNASA
All Modes965682204183137104

The operators are DK6SP (Philipp), DJ4MX (Sven), HA8RT (Tomi), M0SDV (Jamie), E77DX (Braco) and DK1YH (Yannick).

Operation modes are CW,SSB, RTTY and FT8.

Activity period: from Feb 11th till 23th of Feb. 2025 More information can be found on their HP. LINK

Good luck and gd DX to the team for a successful activity.

de DR2W Crew