V55HQ – 2015
2nd V55HQ activation in 2015
The special call sign V55HQ was again gladly heard by many amateur radio stations worldwide during the 24 hour contest weekend on July 11th to 12th, 2015. This event could take place on the farm Otjikoko near Omaruru thanks to the hospitality and support of Martin V51W and Ursi.
A big group of German radio amateurs supported the preparation and realisation of this event for more than one week by setting up new antennas, revising the existent equipment and installing the radio stations. Three stations were set up for voice communication (SSB) and three others for telegraphy (CW) at different locations of the farm area. A computer network allowed the electronic logging of all contacts and the up to date information exchange of the made contacts.
The radio conditions were worse than in 2014, nevertheless the number of radio contacts increased during the 24 hour period.
Seventeen radio operators from Namibia and Germany took part in the event which ended up in about 7300 contacts. The placing in the world wide rank list cannot be foreseen up to now because the evaluation of all worldwide submitted log-files to the organiser, the American Radio League (ARRL) takes a few months.
The crew does not want to forget to thank also the NARL and the CRAN authority for the uncomplicated granting of guest licences for the German operators who were greatly supported by Klaus Wesche (V51L) in the paper work.
Thanks for the contacts with us to all of you.