Nearly 1.000.000 lookups !!!
Hello Om’s,
about a simple idea for helping DX tool. At the time, we wanted a tool during the radio competition that gave us a slightly more accurate overview of the propagation conditions on the different bands than previously available. During the radio competition and the DXing we received an update on the changeable propagation conditions latest every 6 h. After we tested the system for months, an online version was knitted with a hoarse needle to make every OM this tool available for use. We are absolutely positively surprised and are of course happy to be on the verge of 1.000.000 calls. It is also very gratifying that the DARC has come to recognize and appreciate our tool advantages and has linked to our tool. Thank you very much for that. Our tool is not a tool that places great value on graphics, optics or even a lot of statistics. On the contrary, we see ourselves more in the role of users who want to get to their data quickly and without detours. Thus, at that time, the online version of the basic idea “Keep it simple ” was born. However, we wanted to maintain various options, such as the greyline curve on the world map, the hourly dependent views depending on the frequency band, as well as a view of the propagation condition depending on the continent. It was also important for us to have a kind of propagation stream in order to enable a better analysis of the propagation cloud with its various intensities. We then mapped these two variants and were rated correspondingly positive by numerous OM’s. A special wish was also to give various highlight expeditions a special platform, which then shows DXer quickly and easily when they can reckon with the possibility of a QSO’s. All this was calculated using a special mathematical algorithm and the data for the calculation come as before from most tools also used by the usual and known sources. However we look forward to this fabulous result and are looking forward to having obviously met the taste of many OM’s with our tool and its execution. Thank you for the trust … GD DX de DR2W crew