Hello DXer,

A brand new DXPedition has been launched C21MM. A german team planned to be QRV from Nauru ( OC-031).

It is planned to be QRV on 160-6m. The modes are SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8.

They will be using the following set up.

Elecraft K3/K3S/K4
            Elecraft KPA 500, Expert 1,3k and 1,5k
            microHAM MK-II,
            Pentaplexer 20m – 10 m by LBS


Fiberglass poles 12m to 22m by Spiderbeam
            for Verticals with elevated radials 160m – 30m.
            5-Band-wire-Beam LZAW10-5  20m – 10m
            10 m Aluminum Telescopic Mast HD by Spiderbeam
            Dyneema ropes by DX-WIRE          
            Loops 40m – 6m

            100 Watt Band Pass Filter and High Power Band Pass Filter
            from 160m to 6m

The DR2W crew launched this DXPedition C21MM on her DXPropagation tool as well. This gives you a more precise and faster overview for your possible DX.

More details can be found on following LINK.

We wish you a great DX de DR2W crew.